
Gay + Straight = Gaight. Se agradecen los comentarios incluso a los posts antiguos.


Come Talk to Me

Hola. Aquí debo, antes que nada, respetar los derechos de autor, aunque probablemente Sinister no es el primero que incluye letras de canciones en su blog, pero es el primero que vi y me gustó un montón.

BTW, digamos que no sintonizo 100% con Sinister (espero que no te molestes por esto), pero respeto un montón su gusto musical, Genesis con Gabriel, sobre todo.

Bueno y la canción que quería compartir es Come Talk to Me, de Peter Gabriel, album Us.

The wretched desert takes it's form,
The jackal proud and tight,
In search of you I feel my way,
Through slowest heaving night
Whatever fear invents,
I swear it make no sense
I reach out through the border fence
Come down, come talk to me

In the swirling curling storm of desire
Unuttered words hold fast
With reptile tongue the lightning lashes
Towers built to last
Darkness creeps in like a thief
And offers no relief
Why are you shaking like a leaf?
Come on, come talk to me

Ah please talk to me
Won't you please talk to me
We can unlock this misery
Come on, come talk to me

I did not come to steal
This all is so unreal
Can't you show me how you feel
Come on, come talk to me

Come talk to me, come talk to me

The earthly power sucks shadowed milk,
From sleepy tears undone
From nippled skin as smooth as silk,
The bugles blow as one
You lie there with your eyes half closed,
Like there's noone there at all
There's a tension pulling on your face
Come on, come talk to me

Won't you please talk to me
If you'd just talk to me
Unblock this misery
If you'd only talk to me
Don't you ever change your mind
Now your future's so defined
And you act so deaf so blind
Come on, come talk to me
Come talk to me, come talk to me

I can imagine the moment
Breaking out through the silence
All the things that we both might say
And the heart it will not be denied
'Til we're both on the same damn side
All the barriers blown away

I said please talk to me
Won't you please come talk to me
Just like it used to be
Come on, come talk to me
I did not come to steal
This all is so unreal
Can you show me how you feel now
Come on, come talk to me
Come talk to me, come talk to me

I said please talk to me
If you'd just talk to me
Unblock this misery
If you'd only talk to me
Don't you ever change your mind
Now your future's so defined
And you act so deaf so blind
Come on, come talk to me
Come talk to me, come talk to me

Les cuento que en una época fui detractor de Genesis post Gabriel, y a Gabriel como solista no lo pesqué. Pero lo asumo, me pasé de huevón. Felizmente ya desde hace un tiempo estoy reparando ese error.

Recuerdo que el primer álbum de Gabriel que me prestaron fue Us, y me acuerdo que igual al principio me costó enganchar. Como que encontraba las caciones muy sencillas (¡si seré bruto!). Pero con el tiempo logré apreciar la profundidad de las composiciones, y esta canción realmente es ESPECTACULAR, especialmente en vivo con la Paula Cole en el recital del 93.

Creo que esta canción se podría convertir, entre otras cosas, en el himno de los blogs, por lo menos de los que me interesaría leer a mí (y de quienes me interesaría recibir comentarios), por las razones que comenté en mi post sobre blogs (

Realmente es un alivio escuchar esta canción. Como te genera un ambiente en que te sientes protegido para poder compartir con las demás personas, en forma respetuosa y sin temores de agresión. Como que hay que recetar esta canción como terapia a todos los conflictos del mundo (ya le puse mucho, sorry).

Así que, quienes no la conozcan, espero que la disfruten, y los que ya la conocen, la sigan disfrutando y apreciando.
